The day before, on Saturday, we went to a place called 'Fountain Hills'. There's a huge fountain which goes off every hour, and overall it's quite a nice relaxing place. As regards Christmas, (btw, Merry Christmas to everyone... belated I know, but better late than never :-p ), basically I spent Christmas here with some of my mates. We went to Midnight Mass together (for a change, I slept) and then had Christmas Breakfast here together. On Christmas Day we also made a meal here together, so basically I spent my Christmas at our flat with my friends. But I enjoyed it. The day after Christmas, we went to the Apache Trail, which is a road going through mountains and valleys, with very nice scenic views. We spent a whole day there and we only managed to see part of the whole trail. So we might go again one day. Below is a photo of me out there.On Sunday we went to a theme park called 'Castle Coasters'. It was fun, even though the rides weren't so 'thrilling'. There was also a go-kart race (which was too slow, but still fun). We enjoyed it. In the evening, I discovered that I wasn't flying on Monday (today) and so I decided to go to 'Out of Africa' with Josef. It's a wildlife preserve with a lot of animals running around (behing fences of course!!). There was a sort of Safari tour around some animals and it was great. There also was a show, 'Tiger Splash', with tigers playing around in a pond of water. And, there was also a 'Giant Snake Show' which I thought it wasn't a very good idea at first :-) But ye actually we ended near two big 'friendly' snakes. Below are two photos; one at 'Castle Coasters' and the other at 'Out of Africa'.
So, that was a bit of an update of what happened during the past week. I have loads of photos to sort out which I'll try to do as soon as possible. I need to get them organised in different albums on PicasaWeb. I'm also going to be away for New Year's Eve. We're going to Las Vegas!! So, not to be late again, Happy New Year to all of you in advance!! I'm off now because tomorrow I have to wake up early o prepare for my flight
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
A week on the ground...
Posted by Flying Johnny at 05:37 0 comments
Friday, December 19, 2008
Weather cancellations... but the skies are clear again
Posted by Flying Johnny at 04:33 0 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
First Landing!! Still alive to tell the tale :-)
Hello everyone!
FM161200 12006KT 6SM -RA SCT020 BKN030 OVC060
TEMPO 1614/1618 3SM SHRA SCT005 BKN010 OVC030
FM162200 22006KT P6SM -RA SCT030 BKN050 OVC070
FM170300 27005KT P6SM VCSH SCT040 BKN070 BKN100 LTD TO CLD VIS AND WIND TIL 161300
Posted by Flying Johnny at 06:58 0 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
FlyingJohnny is now FLYINGjohnny!!
Because... I'm finally up in the air... I'm FLYING!!!
Posted by Flying Johnny at 07:24 0 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Delayed on the ground... but tomorrow we take off!!
Posted by Flying Johnny at 07:50 0 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
First week in Arizona
Posted by Flying Johnny at 17:12 2 comments
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Johnny in Arizona!!
Hey all,
![]() |
Farewell Malta!! |
Posted by Flying Johnny at 23:30 0 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Farewell Malta... miss you all!!
Posted by Flying Johnny at 09:16 0 comments
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Greetings from Malta!!
Posted by Flying Johnny at 15:48 2 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Final days in Belgium...
Today I can say that I'm keeping up to my mid-November resolution of updating the blog more regularly! And finally, finally I can say that ground school is nearing completion and soon I will be starting the second phase of my training... the best phase... flying!!
Posted by Flying Johnny at 19:13 0 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
DOOH!!! Just remembered I had a blog!!!
When problems overwhelm you,
Here's a little poem for you to remember...
Lay your problems down to rest.
Put all bad times behind you,
And strive to be your best.
Your hands now hold the reins.
Don't think your talents won't compare,
For my blood runs through your veins.
You know what's right and fair.
Just call on me when problems strike,
You know that I'll be there.
Let your conscience be your guide.
Remember when you feel alone,
I'm standing by your side.
Posted by Flying Johnny at 00:18 5 comments
Thursday, August 28, 2008
One week to the rock!!
But the most thing I'm looing forward to next week is... Malta!! Yep finally I have a weekend off and so I'm able to go down to Malta, and see my family and my girlfriend Ingrid. I miss you loads and can't wait to see you again! Just one week to go!! I do need a break, and I'm in desperate need of Malta, my family, and my girlfriend! One week to go...
Posted by Flying Johnny at 10:36 0 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
News from the land of boredom...
Posted by Flying Johnny at 09:14 0 comments
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Sim session with a difference!
It's time for a short break (another one from LOTS of "short breaks") from studying Air Law. I have a progress test next Wednesday so I have to prepare for it. Anyway, some news about this week...
The greatest thing which happened this week was a simulator session we had on Wednesday. No it wasn't an FNPT-II simulator session. It was a demo session in the B737NG simulator! And there's one word to describe it... COOL!! It was part of the Instrumentation course and the aim was to see how some stuff in the cockpit is used during a typical flight. The flight was from Brussels to Ostend and then back to Brussels. I was in the First Officer's seat but most of the flight was performed by the autopilot. During the flight we saw stuff like, the Traffic Alert & Collision Avoidance System (TCAS), the Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS), use of the autpilot and different flight modes, as well as different sounds of warnings which you could get in the cockpit, like stall warning, overspeed etc. At Ostend, we did a touch & go with autoland and then we headed back to Brussels. As we approached Brussels, I was told to try and land the plane manually. This was em... cool... but it was the first time with a 737 in hand! But, there's always the first time, and... it was quite good. I always say I can't wait to be flying the real thing! Overall, this was another great experience. Below is a picture after we landed in Brussels. In a few months time, I hope I'll be able to take the same photo with a slight difference; sitting in an A320 and having the 3 stripes on my shoulder and flying for real!
I think that's just about it for this week. There's not much else to say... oh yes maybe, we have some few days of sunshine here in Belgium!! I would like to know how long it will last!! Eh I miss sunny Malta!!! Now, back to studying Air Law...
Till next time!!
Posted by Flying Johnny at 12:39 0 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Observation flights: A great experience!!
Posted by Flying Johnny at 18:44 0 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
Way to go... Keep it up!!
Posted by Flying Johnny at 18:42 1 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
News from far far away...
Hi all,

Posted by Flying Johnny at 13:05 0 comments
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
A few hours on the rock...
Posted by Flying Johnny at 18:40 0 comments
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Flows & checklists...
Electrics Master Switch .......... ON
Yep, that is what I've been going through over the past 24 hours; reading through checklists and flows and trying to remember every single detail of which switches I should press and which knobs I should turn! Today I have my second simulator session on the FNPT-II DA42 so I had to prepare myself by studying the checklists and flows. I hope my session goes well. I'm quite looking forward to it but it got quite busy with these sim session eh!
I haven't updated this blog for the past two weeks nearly! I've been quite busy in fact. First of all, I had one weekend to remember! My girlfriend came here and we went a bit around the place. They were two great days and I have to write something about them for sure, in my next post! Then, I had two tests, Airlaw and Instrumentation. I did ok. Next test is today week, Meteorology... which I haven't yet got any clue about it other than it talks about clouds and stuff! So ye, busy as usual!!
Anyway, I'm gonna have to stop here today because I have to start preparing for my sim session!! Till next time... bye bye!
Posted by Flying Johnny at 08:43 0 comments
Thursday, June 19, 2008
First flight in simulator!!

Today I also had the Performance test. I think I did well; I just have to wait for the result. Anyway I'm off to start studying some stuff. Tomorrow someone special is coming to visit so I have to get some work done
Till next time...
Posted by Flying Johnny at 19:48 0 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
FNPT-II Simulator: Take off tomorrow!!
Posted by Flying Johnny at 17:37 0 comments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Garmin G1000...
So, yesterday we had another briefing about the Garmin G1000 glass cockpit which we will fly with on the Diamond DA-42 Twinstar, both in the simulator and in the air. The G1000 seems quite a good gadget but it also seems a little bith complicated in theory... lots of buttons and switches to press and turn!! The photo below shows the G1000 on a Cessna 172.

Posted by Flying Johnny at 07:08 0 comments
Friday, June 6, 2008
FNPT-II Simulator briefings...
Heya there...
Today we started with our FNPT-II simulator briefings. We had a funny instructor but he's quite good. The simulator is a Diamond Da-42 Twinstar. The real aircraft is shown below. (Credit to and the respective photographers for the photos ;-) ) The DA-42 is equipped with the Garmin G1000 glass cockpit so it seems quite cool to fly. Ye I can't wait to fly the real one but first we have to do it on the simulator of course.
We have been told we will start the simulator sessions soon after we finish the briefings but the school said a lot of stuff and lately I started to take everything with "a pinch of salt". Anyway if we do start simulator sessions soon, it will be hell... lessons till 1730, simulator sessions in the evening, simulator sessions in weekends, tests?! Ye sounds crazy eee... welcome to SFA.
Things are going ok so far but ye, getting busy and busy each day. Next Monday I have another test, Mass and Balance so this weekend I'll work on it. I also have to go and apply for my Student Pilot Licence next week.
Good luck to everyone doing exams in Malta, especially to my girlfriend ;-) best of luck!! They will soon be over!
Anyway, I'm off to start some studying myself!! Till later!!
Posted by Flying Johnny at 07:19 0 comments
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Good Luck for exams!!
Most of all, good luck luck to my girlfriend. Exams aren't the nicest happiest moment of course but they have to be done, and they'll be over soon... best of luck qalbi!
As for me, today I have my BFC "checkride" in the afternoon. I did well in mst session so I hope I'll keep up my performance during the test!!
Off to "fly"...
Posted by Flying Johnny at 08:52 0 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Johnny turns 23...
It's been nearly two weeks since my last post. Again, I was quite busy preparing for tests. I had another progress test of Radio Navigation (which is over next week with yet another final progress test) and today I had the second and last progress test of Flight Planning. That also means I'm done with Flight Planning as well for the time being. I did well in both tests and I'm happy with the results.
Last Thursday I also "celebrated" my birthday. Yes, I'm getting older... 23! Note the "celebrated" of course; my birthday "celebrations" had to include the studying for the Radio Navigation test which was on Friday. But at least on Friday I went a bit to Leuven with my friends. It's very lively over there and so we went bar-hopping around! So at least I did celebrate a bit for my birthday.
I also had another BFC session this week and I performed great in it. Next week I have my BFC "checkride" which will conclude the Basic Flying Course. I hope I'll do well!!
Anyway I'm off to sleep because in 7 hours I have to be awake again to prepare for a day of Principles of Flight and Performance.
Till next time!! (hopefully soon)
Posted by Flying Johnny at 19:52 0 comments
Friday, May 9, 2008
Birthday surprise...
I havn't written anything for quite some time so I have a lot to say but I'll keep it very short. Last week we had 2 days of holidays so I had some time to roam about the place. I visited Aachen in Germany and also went to Mini-Europe in Brussels, next to the famous "Atomium". I have a couple of photos to upload so yes, more photos to be added to the list of "Photos to upload". Ye, I must find some time and put them up.
Anyway, on to more important things! This week, I had a big surprise... a VERY big surprise indeed!! Next week is my birthday, but I wasn't expecting such a great present and in such a way!! My girlfriend called me in the evening and told me to look around the room, because apparently my birthday present from her was here. And how could my birthday present travel all along from Malta to Belgium?! I looked around the room to find a BIG present, the Saitek X-52 Flightstick and Throttle (see pic below). My friends went down to Malta during the weekend and they got it with them. So ye, thanks a lot to you guys for bringing it up here!!
But above all, thanks to you my dear girlfriend for the wonderful present! I really appreciate it, but even more, I appreciate the planned surprise and all the effort behind it!! Thank you qalbi!!! It was a very big surprise. Thank you, thank you thank you!!

As regards the course, I had two little progress tests this week; mass & balance and Physiology. All went well. Next week I have the second Radio Navigation test so I'm gonna be quite busy.
Anyway I'm off because it's about time I do some studying. Well had to spend some time trying out my birthday present ey?! :-)
Till later...
Posted by Flying Johnny at 20:22 0 comments
Sunday, April 27, 2008
BFC Session 4... & visited Luxembourg
Last Thursday I had my fourth BFC session. In this session, we were introduced to ATC, radio navigation as well as a 2-crew cockpit, with a "pilot flying" and a "pilot monitoring" so it got closer to the real stuff. We also had the chance to try out the new equipment, with three monitors, so the view was better :-)
I did quite well. I still have to improve some stuff but so far it's going well. In our next session, wind will be introduced so it will get a bit more challenging, especially in landings!
Last Sunday we also visited Luxembourg. It was really sunny and it reminded me of my days in Malta. I've got a couple of photos so I will try to upload them as soon as possible.
I'm off to start... take care everyone.
Posted by Flying Johnny at 21:43 0 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
The dormant blog...
I know, I haven't updated my blog for more than 2 weeks! I have nearly forgotten this blog existed in the first place! These two weeks were like hell with tests and I was very busy.
I didn't even right something about my visit to Malta, something which I should have obviously done! Ye I was looking forward for that weekend! I arrived in Malta on Friday evening (that's 2 weeks ago) and was so happy to see my girlfriend and my parents again. The weather was brilliant, sunny and quite hot! Malta is so good for weather (ye Belgium, you wish the sun shines that much!) But the best part of Malta, was obviously the time with my girlfriend. I can't wait to go down again.
On the flight back to Belgium I also had the chance to go a bit to the cockpit and have a chat with the crew. They were very friendly and it was great to have a look at my "future office"!! I also witnessed the landing and it was so cool. Ye I can't wait to do it myself! :-)
During the past 2 weeks I had 2 tests as well, Electrics and Flight Planning, which is why I was really busy. I did well in both of them. Finally I have a week without any tests but May is going to be tough as well it seems. Today I also had another BFC session in which I did quite well. But I'll write about that tomorrow!!
Till later...
Posted by Flying Johnny at 20:18 0 comments
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Basic Flying Session 3... and landing! 4 days to MALTA!!
Once again I am late in writing something in this blog. I wanted to write this last Thursday but I was busy studying for tests; there's not much to do anyway!
Last Thursday I had my thirds BFC session and it was great. Things were pretty much the same as session 2 but more manoeuvres which need a bit more thinking were added, including taking time in consideration during combination of turns and climbs/descents. I did pretty well but I have to give more importance to the airspeed indicator. But really, there's a lot to do and think about when performing a simple climb or turn, and sometimes I miss something. So I have to practice more on that. Well, practice makes perfect ey! Session 3 was also cool because I made a full stop landing!!! I was given some instructions to descent and then "turn left heading..." until a runway popped up in front of me. It was then followed by "cleared to land..." WOHOOO!!! The approach was good but the landing was a bit bumpy. But ye, it was cool to bring the little bird down! I look forward to the fly the real bird of course! Below is a picture of the airport I "landed" in. Credit to the photographer and of course!!
Today I'm also very close to the day I'll visit Malta again for 2 days. That's next Friday and I can't wait for it. I'm looking forward to make the best of the little time I have with my girlfriend and my family. See you soon!! I miss you all! I'm sure it' going to be a great time over there. Tuesday... Wednesday... Thursday... Friday... soon soon...
Yesterday I also had the General Navigation test so yes I spent last weekend turning my flight computer around and working wind problems! I should have done well, just have to wait for the mark now. Next Thursday I have the physiology progress test, followed by AC Electrics on Tuesday. So, these 2 days are extremely busy because I have to study 2 subjects, since I'll be in Malta during the weekend and don't want to waste any time studying over there eh! So I'm off.
Till next time!!
Posted by Flying Johnny at 08:14 0 comments
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Basic Flying Course Session 2! 10 days to Malta!!!
Posted by Flying Johnny at 18:18 0 comments
Sunday, March 30, 2008
2 months out... 12 days to Malta!
Tomorrow, two months would have passed since I settled here in Belgium. Honestly, it's not the nicest country to live in (Sorry Belgians...) Weather is hopeless... but you Belgians cannot do anything about that (other than moving to Malta ;-) ) but hey, you can get your freaking internet service right, and you can get your freaking water supply right to0!!
Anyway enough of Belgium, there are nicer things to talk about after all! In twelve days, I'd be on my way to Malta!! It's another short visit of course, but at least I get to see my girlfriend, family, and my cute little nephew, who by now has discovered the art of walking!! I can't wait for these twelve days to pass.
Things are getting tougher here with more tests. I already have four planned tests in the coming weeks. In fact, today I spent most of the day reading about how my heart pumps blood all around me and all that physiology stuff (which is not quite interesting). Last Friday I had the Basic Radio test and I think I did well but I'm still waiting for the result.
Anyway, I'm going back to that boring physiology stuff.
Till next time...
Posted by Flying Johnny at 11:20 0 comments
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Snow in Belgium...
Secondly, plumbing over here is hopeless. I still have to understand why two people cannot use two different showers at the same time, or why you can't wash your clothes while brushing your teeth, or even, why upstairs you have to get to smell what someone filled up the drains with a couple of hours before, downstairs!! Oh, and is it so difficult to put up a curtain on a circular window?! And is it so difficult to put up a curtain on a rectangular window, without it falling off every now and then?! Yes, welcome to Belgium!
Weather... I think over here the word "sun" is hardly found in any vocabulary dictionary. I don't think they actually teach the meaning of the word in primary school... (it's useless anyway). I have been told that Summer over here starts in April, and ends in April. Rain and gloomy grey weather is common in August, a month which in Malta is commonly referred to as Summer!!
Anyway at least over the past two days, I had some "cool" weather experience. It snowed!! Yes, obviously not the nicest of snow (it's Belgium remember) but at least it was something "different". It snowed most on Friday evening. The car was covered in snow, so being Maltese, we took some time to throw a few snowballs at each other. Below are some photos I took yesterday.
Anyway, snow was probably the only good thing which happened last week. I also had the progress test of Radio Navigation and I did great. Next Friday I have another progress test, Basic Radio. So I have things to work on again this week.
I also would like to say a "Happy Easter to all"... miss you all...
Posted by Flying Johnny at 09:02 0 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Basic Flying Course... 1st session
Last Monday I had my first 'Basic Flying Course' session. It consists of a couple of lessons on basic flying, on MS Flight Simulator. It's quite good to get the basics of flying. The first session consisted of straight and level flight, turns, climbs and descents, focusing only on the attitude indicator and the power indicator (RPM). My first session wasn't so good but it wasn't so bad either. I have to adjust the throttle lever "blindly", without looking, in order to keep focused on the attitude indicator and that is where I was getting stuck. I have get the power adjusted to the correct position immediately. Hopefully it would get better with every session. I also have to be more careful on the attitude indicator, keeping the pitch at the right level.
That was probably the only 'new' thing which happened in the last few days as regards the course. I have a test on Friday, 'Radio Navigation', so I'm busy studying for it. Anyway, back to studying...
Posted by Flying Johnny at 18:52 0 comments
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Well done...
I would like to congratulate and say a big WELL DONE to my girlfriend on passing all her first semester exams! Congratulations ging!! Keep it up and you'll make it. It's tough but hey... no pain no gain ;-) Congratulations!!!
As for me, well over here it gets more busy by the minute. Next week I have a Radio Navigation test so I'm quite busy working on it. I also had the Communications test and I did very well. We also had our first Basic Flying Course briefing and next Monday I have my first "flight" on Flight Simulator (on PC, the real fun on real simulators will come later ;-))
Anyway I'm off to study...
Take care all
Posted by Flying Johnny at 09:19 1 comments
Monday, March 10, 2008
Back in Belgium :-(
So, yet another late post...
On Saturday I left for Brussels again and here I am once again. I didn't post anything before because I was very busy during the weekend. I had a test this morning and I had to spend all Sunday studying for it (coupled with the long awaited wait for the election results, about which I will try to write something later).
Anyway something about my short stay in Malta; it was nothing more than EXCELLENT. I spent all the time with my girlfriend... unforgettable memories, which I dearly miss... and also together with my family, parents, sister & her husband and my growing cute little nephew. It was a great time and I can't wait till I go down again. That's my home... not here!!
The time I spent with my girlfriend was simply great, right from the moment I arrived in the arrivals lounge, till the sad moments at the departures lounge. And here I'll address her directly... I miss you a lot, and can't wait to be back with you. Thanks a lot for spending such a short but splendid time with me. XXXX
I would also like to thank a couple of friends who made it to the airport to say hello!! Thanks dudes, I really appreciated that. I hope to see you soon again!!
Anyway, I'm off. Later on I'll try to post something about yesterday's elections count as it merits some discussion.
Till later people....
Miss you all...
Posted by Flying Johnny at 18:56 0 comments
Friday, March 7, 2008
Johnny in Malta...
So... I'm back in Malta, and as I currently speak (or rather type) someone very special is by my side :-) (N.B. for anyone who read my previous blog... I had a misprint and corrections were duly made for the benefit of all parties involved :-))
Joking apart... coming back to Malta was something I was really looking forward to. It's been a month since I've seen my girlfriend (1...) so yes, we've been counting down the hours till my arrival in Malta. It was also great to see my family as well as friends. Thanks to all who came to greet me at the airport, despite two huge crowd gatherings commonly known as "mass-meetings"!! Thanks a lot. Today I also saw my cute little nephew. He grew taller and more naughty!
Anyway, I don't want to waste any more time here... because I have obviously better ways to use my little time in Malta rather than blogging. One last thing... tomorrow there are elections. To all fanatic die-hards who don't have anything useful to do other than calling people asking "Inti mort tivvota?", I will go and vote when I feel like it, so please do not bug me with calls "Int mort tivvota?" My answer would simply be... "get a life dude..."
Anyway, I'm off... aaaa Malta...
Posted by Flying Johnny at 14:51 0 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
The Big Day!!
The big day is with us!! Yes, today 6th March 2008, I'm flying back to Malta for a short time only unfortunately. Yet still, I'm obviously looking forward to it and can't wait for the moment to step my feet on Malta again, and then see my girlfriend, my parents and a couple of friends at the airport.
Life here is still busy. I have a test next monday, Radio communications. It shouldn't be difficult though I'm not quite convinced about it. We'll see.
There has also been another update this week which I didn't have time to mention. Johnny had a haircut... with yet another change of style... I shaved my hair. Yes so after the trauma of having to cut my long hair, I went to the other extreme and shaved my hair. I like the new look but ;-)
Anyway I'm off to bed because obviously, this blog is being updated at 1am.
Good night and... SEE YOU SOON MALTA!!!!!
Posted by Flying Johnny at 00:52 1 comments
Friday, February 29, 2008
6 days to Malta...
The day is fast approaching. In 6 days, I'd be on a flight to Malta. It is only for a short time but at least I'll be there. Obviously I am really looking forward to see my family, my parents, my sister & her husband and my cute little nephew!!
And obviously I am really looking forward to see her... my girlfriend. Being away from her is quite tough. So I am really looking forward to it even if it's for a short time. Ye I look forward to a nice dinner with her on Friday night... that is, in 7 days... final countdown starts ;-)
Aah yes forgot to mention the election. I have recently discovered I have the honour of having 2 ballot papers to fill in rather than 1, because apparently we also have Local Council Elections. Ye really I couldn't care less, I mean, politics in Malta follows quite the usual "same shit different day..." and whoever wins the next election, it's either "same shit same party" or "same shit different party" welcome to Malta...
Posted by Flying Johnny at 22:01 1 comments
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
First test... GREAT... visiting Malta in 9 days!
So, once again, another week has passed since my last post. Yes I haven't got much of free time unfortunately. But I'll try my best to keep this blog up to date.
Anyway, I had my first progress test yesterday; DC electrics. I did great and I'm very satisfied. So... first test is done. As regards courses, we started two new courses last week; Air Law and Flight Planning. Flight Planning looks great but Air Law looks a bit boring. I hope it gets a bit more interesting.
Another great news is that I shall be visiting Malta next week... for elections... ye right!! To hell with elections, I just want to see my girlfriend, my family & my cute little nephew!! But ye I'll take the time to go and cast my vote, keeping in mind the country was, is, and will always be run by assholes... commonly known as politicians.
I'mm looking very forward to go down to Malta because that's were my heart lies... and some people know what I mean!
Take care all...
Posted by Flying Johnny at 18:03 0 comments
Monday, February 18, 2008
Lost and found...
Hello all,
It has been a week since my last post. Things here are quite busy so I have very little time available for me to update this blog. But I'll try to keep it as up-to-date as possible.
During the past week we were introduced to three new courses; Principles of Flight, Radio Navigation and today we had Airframe and Systems. All three of them seem to be very interesting. Most of the subjects are not that difficult so far but the material we will be covering is a lot.
Anyway, back to the title of the post; Lost and Found... why? So, last Saturday, we decided to drive to Brussels city centre in the evening. We went to a bar and played some billiard but I didn't want to stay out late so I decided to drive back home on my own. It wasn't my first time driving here of course but some important things to note include a) I never drove from Brussels centre to our house in Nossegem b) It was 1am in the morning (my brain is usually switched off IF it had been on in the first place) c) Given the time... it is usually dark at 1am d) The car was thirsty, aka fuel low e) No GPS or any sort of modern navigational aid other than my brain (switched off...) So, off I left from Brussels to find my "home sweet home"... straight out... tunnel... out of the tunnel... perhaps a wrong turn... damn where the hell am I? Yes, I ended up wandering in some forgotten area of Brussels. Anyway this unexpected sightseeing tour around Brussels wasn't so interesting so I tried to make my way back home once again. After a few "go-arounds", a sign "Ring" emerged in the dark. This is the ring motorway around Brussels. Once you get to it, following signs should take you home. And luckily for me it did. After what seemed like hours of driving watching the fuel tank slowly approach the bottom, and getting tired of seeing "Zaventem" signs without any sign of Zaventem, I reached Zaventem and then Nossegem; aka home. So ye I had my little adventure of Lost and Found.
I'm off because tomorrow I have another full day again. I should be starting a new course, Communication. This should teach us how to communicate with ATC and other aircraft in a civilised way, hopefully.
Till later...
PS Sorry for any e-mails which remained unanswered. I will try to answer ASAP.
Posted by Flying Johnny at 23:14 0 comments
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
First test coming up...
Hi all,
When it comes to studying, time is literally flying. And free time seems very limited, so much that this blog has been 'silent' for the past few days. Anyway better not waste time...
Since my last post, we had our first lecture from another new subject; powerplants. We started with piston engines and the topic doesn't seem that difficult. Today we also had another lesson of psychology. I'm finding this subject quite interesting. We also had another lesson of electrical and we were told about our first test, which will be on 25th February (that's 2 weeks!!) so serious (ye right!) studying will now commence!
On Sunday we also went to Brussels Centre in the afternoon. I uploaded some photos in the online photo album; link available on the right or simply click here to go to the album directly.
I also would like to excuse myself to anyone (family and friends) who has sent me any e-mails and have not yet received any answer. My time is very limited! Sorry peeps, but I promise I will reply as soon as possible.
Till later peeps,
Miss you all...
PS I heard Malta is quite cold at the moment. Over here, it is not hot obviously but guess what... the sun is shining!! :-) (during the day of course)
Posted by Flying Johnny at 20:35 0 comments
Friday, February 8, 2008
Elections 2008...
I forgot to write something about the forthcoming general elections in Malta (which for everyone's info, will be held on the 8th of March). Obviously I will not bother writing about who I think will win and all that crap. I'm leaving that task open for all the idiot fanatics who obviously think THEIR party will win. Funny how at the moment, both parties say they are going to win! Welcome to Malta, the land of winners... ye...
Well, I'm not really interested in the current politics and in fact I'm quite grateful for the fact I will not be present to witness the low level of politics we have in Malta; like those useless mass meetings where a bunch of blue/red painted heads gather on some open area (such as the famous "Fosos" or Granaries, ye to hell with Heritage Malta for election time) and the red/blue leader reddens/blues the crowds with tons of low level talk and countless promises.
I do look forward to elections 2008 however. They should be my first opportunity to go down to Malta. I'm really looking forward to that because obviously I am missing people; my girlfriend, my family, that little nephew of mine... So I look forward to go down to Malta and "vote"... ye right... and most importantly, see again my girlfriend and family.
Miss you all dear peoples...
Posted by Flying Johnny at 21:30 0 comments
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Update from far far away...
So, I've been very very busy lately and didn't have much time to waste on the blog. Basically in the last 4 days we were introduced to 5 new subjects; electrical, instrumentation, meteo, human performance and limitations (phsycology part) and general navigation. Instrumentation is so far the most interesting. It does not seem so difficult so far either. So far we covered some air data instruments like the airspeed indicator, vertical speed indicator and pressure altimeter. Electrical is ok but I'm finding it a bit boring. Human performance is quite relaxing and today I also had navigation and it looks interesting too. Tomorrow we might start using the CRP5 Flight computer as well. Meteo seems my nightmare so far. I didn't understand much.
Anyway, I'm off to start reading something cause it is quite busy over here!! Lots and lots of stuff in a short time. The course is very intensive and it is leaving me with very free time!
I also updated the online photo album. I added some photos I took at Brugge last Sunday. The link on the right should take you to the album. Or simply Click Here.
I'm off... miss you all!
Posted by Flying Johnny at 19:00 0 comments
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Brugge visited...
Hello all,
I just got back home. We visited Brugge today. It is quite a nice place with splendid buildings, especially Cathedrals. The drive to Brugge took about an hour and we stayed there for about 3 hours.
I'm also putting up the first 2 photos, which I should have put up in my previous post but had not downloaded the pics from the camera yet. The first photo shows all the stuff we were given on Friday, and the second one shows me in SFA uniform.
That's all for today. Tonight I'll try to clear up my room and read something about the first topic we have covered yesterday. I will also try to put up some photos of Brugge in my online photo album. Oh and I also plan to upload some of my old photos from Malta but I ahve to try and find the time as it is qutie limited!
Bye Bye!
Posted by Flying Johnny at 19:41 0 comments
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Geared up and "took off"
So I wanted to post this yesterday but it was a hectic day and I was too tired to write something. Yesterday we had our first visit at Sabena Flight Academy and we had an introductory briefing. We were told the rules of the school, the program of the course and some other information. We were also taken around the building and saw the various simulators. We got into a 737NG simulator. It was so cool. It is so realistic and I am really looking forward to the sim sessions. We were then given our stuff, which is quite a lot of stuff; 15 books, a flight computer, student air route manual, plotter, ruler and protractor, flight back, kneeboard, student airroute manual an our part of our uniform. So I've been geared up with some real pilot stuff. I'll try to put up some photos as soon as possible.
Anyway this morning we "took off" and had our first lesson on Basic Radio Theory. It doesn't seem difficult. Next lesson is on Monday but I haven't looked at the schedule yet.
See you around
Posted by Flying Johnny at 15:09 0 comments
Friday, February 1, 2008
The Dream Begins...
Here we go... I am now in Brussels and my lifetime dream of becoming a pilot is set to start. We arrived in Brussels at about 1930 yesterday evening. The flight was ok though the landing was not entirely smooth as it was very windy. We met an Airmalta captain and were later greeted by 2 guys from SFA. They took us straight to our accomodation. The place is great; large living room, kitchen and dining room, bedrooms and a shower/toilet. We just thre our stuff at the residence and were taken to an Italian resturant for a meal. We were als given a car, Volkswagen Touran!! Anyway, back at the residence we tried setting up our internet but had some problems at first, but should be ok now. We ended up sleeping at 3am since we unpacked our stuff and settled in. This morning I woke up at 7am and couldn't sleep again so I wrote this blog.
This morning we will try to go around looking for shops and to get to know the place. At 1200 we're being picked up and taken to the academy for our first briefing. We'll probably also be given the tons of books we have to study!!
I would like to say hi too all my family, girlfriend and friends. Missing you all and hope to see you soon.
I'm off...
Posted by Flying Johnny at 08:02 0 comments
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Final night in Malta...
Today happens to be my final night in Malta before I depart to Brussels to start training to become a pilot! So yes, this will be my final night in my cosy Maltese bed! Today I spent some time packing things up because surprisingly enough I didn't bother to start packing before. That's typically me. And to be honest, I haven't yet finished packing things up so I will have to spend the morning before I leave, ensuring that I took everything I need.
Tonight I also had a farewell gathering with a couple of friends from ex-university (today better known as "engineers" ;-) ) and a couple of other friends. It was fantastic! It was good to meet some people whom I haven't seen for quite a while now! Thanks all for a great evening and I really appreciate!
The most special part of the day was in the afternoon, when I picked up my girlfriend after her exam and spent some time together. It just feels great when we're together!! I'm going to miss her so much. Being away from each other is one of the greatest sacrifices we're both gonna have to make now. But time will pass and I'll be back again. I must admit, I am looking forward to start the course, but I am more looking forward to arrive back, and be with her again. So that's something to look forward to once all the course and training is over! Here, I would like to wish her the best of luck for her remaining exams. Good luck qalbi! I'll miss you!
I also said a farewell to a few colleagues from my ex-summer job today. And I also had a visit from some relatives. So yes, today was the day of farewells! I'm gonna miss a lot of close buddies but time will pass and I'll be back, and guess what... I'll be flying by then!!!!
I'm off now, as I still have to clear up a bit my room, after which I will go to my cosy Maltese bed and sleep.
Goodnight and farewell to all!!
Posted by Flying Johnny at 23:50 0 comments
Friday, January 25, 2008
Day of the signing, off in a week!
So, first of all I began trying to tweak the blog and have added a slideshow of pictures and a link to my online photo album. I will be adding more photos soon. Blogger seems quite easy and straightforward to use and I like it.
Yesterday I had the signing of the contract with AirMalta, which will take me to Brussels next week to begin the road to becoming a pilot. Finally my lifetime dream is coming true! I will be training at Sabena Flight Academy (SFA). I will spend approximately 8 months in Brussels, covering the theoretical part and then head off to Phoenix, Arizona USA for 6 months of flight training. Then I'll go back to Antwerp for the final part of the training to get my licence and then go back to Malta. After some further training, I'll be sitting in the right hand seat and getting paid to fly!! Isn't that cool?!
I'm looking forward to start but I know it will be tough as well. It's quite a long time away from home, my family, my cute little nephew, and most of all my girlfriend. I know I'm going to miss her and all, definately. We'll see how it goes! A year and a half will pass and I'll be back, and by then I'll be flying!!
I'm off for now! Till then, keep on rockin' ;-)
Posted by Flying Johnny at 20:22 0 comments