Friday, June 6, 2008

FNPT-II Simulator briefings...

Heya there...
Today we started with our FNPT-II simulator briefings. We had a funny instructor but he's quite good. The simulator is a Diamond Da-42 Twinstar. The real aircraft is shown below. (Credit to and the respective photographers for the photos ;-) ) The DA-42 is equipped with the Garmin G1000 glass cockpit so it seems quite cool to fly. Ye I can't wait to fly the real one but first we have to do it on the simulator of course.

We have been told we will start the simulator sessions soon after we finish the briefings but the school said a lot of stuff and lately I started to take everything with "a pinch of salt". Anyway if we do start simulator sessions soon, it will be hell... lessons till 1730, simulator sessions in the evening, simulator sessions in weekends, tests?! Ye sounds crazy eee... welcome to SFA.

Things are going ok so far but ye, getting busy and busy each day. Next Monday I have another test, Mass and Balance so this weekend I'll work on it. I also have to go and apply for my Student Pilot Licence next week.

Good luck to everyone doing exams in Malta, especially to my girlfriend ;-) best of luck!! They will soon be over!

Anyway, I'm off to start some studying myself!! Till later!!