I have finally started my FNPT-II simulator sessions and had my first "flight" yesterday afternoon. It was cool taking the right hand seat for the very first time! It really feels so realistic and it does feel that you're in a real cockpit. As soon as you sit down, you have the complex looking Garmin G1000 in front of you and dozen of other buttons and switches. The view is also great. This is what it looks like. I will try to take some photos myself next time!
I flew for approximately one hour and a half. I started on the apron at Falcon Field Arizona. I taxied to the runway and then took off and made some climbs and turns. The controls are very sensitive and you really have to be careful because the slight excessive movement can take you out of control. I then landed and that was the end of my first flight! It was great overall but now I look forward to start flying with radio navigation and all that stuff.
Today I also had the Performance test. I think I did well; I just have to wait for the result. Anyway I'm off to start studying some stuff. Tomorrow someone special is coming to visit so I have to get some work done
Till next time...
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