Sunday, April 27, 2008

BFC Session 4... & visited Luxembourg

Heya! Time to write something...
Last Thursday I had my fourth BFC session. In this session, we were introduced to ATC, radio navigation as well as a 2-crew cockpit, with a "pilot flying" and a "pilot monitoring" so it got closer to the real stuff. We also had the chance to try out the new equipment, with three monitors, so the view was better :-)

I did quite well. I still have to improve some stuff but so far it's going well. In our next session, wind will be introduced so it will get a bit more challenging, especially in landings!

Last Sunday we also visited Luxembourg. It was really sunny and it reminded me of my days in Malta. I've got a couple of photos so I will try to upload them as soon as possible.

I'm off to start... take care everyone.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

The dormant blog...

Hello... welcome to the dormant blog!
I know, I haven't updated my blog for more than 2 weeks! I have nearly forgotten this blog existed in the first place! These two weeks were like hell with tests and I was very busy.

I didn't even right something about my visit to Malta, something which I should have obviously done! Ye I was looking forward for that weekend! I arrived in Malta on Friday evening (that's 2 weeks ago) and was so happy to see my girlfriend and my parents again. The weather was brilliant, sunny and quite hot! Malta is so good for weather (ye Belgium, you wish the sun shines that much!) But the best part of Malta, was obviously the time with my girlfriend. I can't wait to go down again.

On the flight back to Belgium I also had the chance to go a bit to the cockpit and have a chat with the crew. They were very friendly and it was great to have a look at my "future office"!! I also witnessed the landing and it was so cool. Ye I can't wait to do it myself! :-)

During the past 2 weeks I had 2 tests as well, Electrics and Flight Planning, which is why I was really busy. I did well in both of them. Finally I have a week without any tests but May is going to be tough as well it seems. Today I also had another BFC session in which I did quite well. But I'll write about that tomorrow!!

Till later...

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Basic Flying Session 3... and landing! 4 days to MALTA!!

Once again I am late in writing something in this blog. I wanted to write this last Thursday but I was busy studying for tests; there's not much to do anyway!

Last Thursday I had my thirds BFC session and it was great. Things were pretty much the same as session 2 but more manoeuvres which need a bit more thinking were added, including taking time in consideration during combination of turns and climbs/descents. I did pretty well but I have to give more importance to the airspeed indicator. But really, there's a lot to do and think about when performing a simple climb or turn, and sometimes I miss something. So I have to practice more on that. Well, practice makes perfect ey! Session 3 was also cool because I made a full stop landing!!! I was given some instructions to descent and then "turn left heading..." until a runway popped up in front of me. It was then followed by "cleared to land..." WOHOOO!!! The approach was good but the landing was a bit bumpy. But ye, it was cool to bring the little bird down! I look forward to the fly the real bird of course! Below is a picture of the airport I "landed" in. Credit to the photographer and of course!!

Today I'm also very close to the day I'll visit Malta again for 2 days. That's next Friday and I can't wait for it. I'm looking forward to make the best of the little time I have with my girlfriend and my family. See you soon!! I miss you all! I'm sure it' going to be a great time over there. Tuesday... Wednesday... Thursday... Friday... soon soon...

Yesterday I also had the General Navigation test so yes I spent last weekend turning my flight computer around and working wind problems! I should have done well, just have to wait for the mark now. Next Thursday I have the physiology progress test, followed by AC Electrics on Tuesday. So, these 2 days are extremely busy because I have to study 2 subjects, since I'll be in Malta during the weekend and don't want to waste any time studying over there eh! So I'm off.
Till next time!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Basic Flying Course Session 2! 10 days to Malta!!!

Today I had my second BFC session. Obviously it got more complicated; several new instruments were introduced. I think my performance was much better than my first session. I was more focussed and I handled the controls pretty well. I performed some climbs, descends and turns and they were quite good. It's interesting of course, but I'm looking forward to when I start on the actual simulator and more than that, the actual flying in the real sky!! Flight Simulator is good, but now that I know I'll actually get in the air for real, I obviously want it more than Flight Simulator!! Below is a picture of the aircraft we're using; a Piper Archer. It is not the actual aircraft in our Flight Simulator but it is similar. That's also the first aircraft I will fly for real!!
The day when I'll be coming to Malta is soon arriving as well; 10 days more!! Note the word "coming" to Malta and not "going" to Malta. That simply says that Malta IS my home and there's nothing better than that... and I can't wait to be down there for good!! I miss my girlfriend, my family and all my my friends. Yes, 10 days, and counting...

As regards our internet, yesterday we had a guy from the ISP coming over to our house to check the signal (if there was a signal...). He said he found a bad connector out in the street and replaced it. Pity that didn't seem to solve the problem because one hour later, I didn't have any internet connection again... (bad connector... sure). It's incredible...

Anyway I'm off because I've got loads to do. I have two progress tests next week so... better study!!

See ya!!! (Malta... 10 days!!)