Saturday, February 2, 2008

Geared up and "took off"

So I wanted to post this yesterday but it was a hectic day and I was too tired to write something. Yesterday we had our first visit at Sabena Flight Academy and we had an introductory briefing. We were told the rules of the school, the program of the course and some other information. We were also taken around the building and saw the various simulators. We got into a 737NG simulator. It was so cool. It is so realistic and I am really looking forward to the sim sessions. We were then given our stuff, which is quite a lot of stuff; 15 books, a flight computer, student air route manual, plotter, ruler and protractor, flight back, kneeboard, student airroute manual an our part of our uniform. So I've been geared up with some real pilot stuff. I'll try to put up some photos as soon as possible.

Anyway this morning we "took off" and had our first lesson on Basic Radio Theory. It doesn't seem difficult. Next lesson is on Monday but I haven't looked at the schedule yet.

See you around