Friday, February 29, 2008

6 days to Malta...

The day is fast approaching. In 6 days, I'd be on a flight to Malta. It is only for a short time but at least I'll be there. Obviously I am really looking forward to see my family, my parents, my sister & her husband and my cute little nephew!!

And obviously I am really looking forward to see her... my girlfriend. Being away from her is quite tough. So I am really looking forward to it even if it's for a short time. Ye I look forward to a nice dinner with her on Friday night... that is, in 7 days... final countdown starts ;-)

Aah yes forgot to mention the election. I have recently discovered I have the honour of having 2 ballot papers to fill in rather than 1, because apparently we also have Local Council Elections. Ye really I couldn't care less, I mean, politics in Malta follows quite the usual "same shit different day..." and whoever wins the next election, it's either "same shit same party" or "same shit different party" welcome to Malta...

1 Comment:

Sophie said...

I'm looking very forward!!! yeyyyy :) *cheers like pom-pom girl* :D can't waittttt!