Today I can say that I'm keeping up to my mid-November resolution of updating the blog more regularly! And finally, finally I can say that ground school is nearing completion and soon I will be starting the second phase of my training... the best phase... flying!!
Exams went pretty well so far. I had Mass & Balance, Flight Planning, Performance, Radio Navigation, General Navigation, Principles of Flight, Human Performance & Limitations, Airframes & Sytems, Instrumentation and Air Law. On Thursday I have the final four; Meteorology, Operational Procedures and VFR & IFR Communications. So yes, today I spent my day trying to understand how clouds form, what is instability in the air... pity it all contributed to my current mental "instability" heh! Actually meteorology is interesting, but rather boring to study. But anyway, it's over in a few days! And finally I also get to visit Malta again!! I'm really looking forward to having a short break before taking off for flight training.
Speaking about Malta, this Friday 21st November, if you happen to know me (duhh you're reading my blog! :-)) and wish to say hi and bid me farewell before going to the "US-and-A" drop by at Ryan's Pub at around 11pm. I would be happy to see a couple of old friends before departing ;-) I'm only staying in Malta for four days but I tried to find some time to meet some people and catch up on things. So see you there!!
In my last post I forgot to mention my recent visit (well... about a month ago) to the Control Tower here at Brussels Airport. It was interesting to see the actual environment of air traffic control and see the people who will one day give me clearance to land in their airport. Below is a photo of me sitting at the ATCO's desk :-) change of job?? Well, air traffic control is interesting... but I'd rather fly ;-) The view is much better... and the office is a bit "higher"!!
Anyway... off to continue studying. I hope everyone is doing well and hope to see a couple of friends in Malta!! Take care everyone!!
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