Hi all,
So this week was quite busy again. Last Thursday I had my third FNPT-II mission which involved a flight from Rotterdam to Antwerp with some air excercises on the way, like climbs descends, timed turns etc., a touch and go in Antwerp, some traffic patterns and go-arounds, and ending with a full stop landing in Antwerp. I need to improve on my landings however, because I flared too early and too much. Tomorrow I have my fourth mission which also involves a precision approach. I hope I'll do well!! The last mission was in the simulator at HubAir which feels better as far as controls are concerned, but there isn't a 180deg field of view so we can see nothing other than the front view! Tomorrow's mission is planned over there as well. The picture below, that's me after the last mission.
This week I also had the Gas Turbines progress test. I don't think I did well but I'll wait for the result. As far as tests are concerned, the next one is Air Law, which is planned on the 30th July I think.

This weekend I'm also having my first observation flight and I'm quite looking forward to it. It will be my first time ever doing a whole flight in the cockpit as well as the pre-flight briefings with the crew. I have a flight Saturday night to Girona and another flight Monday morning to Lourdes. Both flights are with Thomas Cook on the A320.
I also would like to say a big good luck to my girlfriend who is currently abroad in Egypt doing voluntary work! Take care of yourself and hope to see you soon! I miss you loads!! xxx
I think that's just about it for today. I'm now off to start studying and practicing the flows and checklists and other procedures for tomorrow's simulator mission.
Till next time!!
Bye Bye!!
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