Friday, August 15, 2008

News from the land of boredom...

Hey there!
Ye I know... it's been nearly three weeks since my last update on this blog! I haven't yet written anything in August and we're already in the middle of the month! Well there are only a few words to describe the past three weeks... BUSY and BORING!!
The past weeks were full of tests. We had performance, meteo, principles of flight and next week we have instrumentation and piston engines, with air law in the following week. So yes, it's a hell with studying at the moment. So far I did well in tests, but as from next week, I'm not going to give them anymore priority. I have to concentrate on the simulator sessions now. They're more important, and in life you have to set your priorities right when you're overloaded with work!
Talking about simulator sessions, about two months ago we were promised that we have to fly at least once every week! But here's the contradiction, my last sim session had been on the 27th of July!! Yes that's three weeks ago... no match for the promised "you need to fly once every week." Luckily this week I had one on Wednesday. At first it felt horrible, after three weeks without any flying, and the instructor pointed that out as well. The thing is, the instructors themselves emphasize how important it is to fly frequently, but the school doesn't do anything about it!! But anyway, on the whole it was quite good considering the long undesired break I had from the sim.
What else happened in the past three weeks... aah yes we had no hot water for three weeks over here... surprise... and we also got the split of the groups to go to the USA and I'm in group A! Departure date to the USA should be around the 24th of November... at least that's what they promised, but then again... promises should be taken with a pinch of salt!
I would also like to say a big welcome back to my girlfriend after spending a month in Egypt!! I wish I was there to greet you back :-( I'm glad you enjoyed your experience and I can't wait to see you again. I really miss you! My parents arrive from their well deserved holiday as well today, so welcome back to you too. I hate it not being there :-(
Ye unfortunately that's the worst thing I have to endure over here; being away from my girlfriend, my family and my friends! I miss you all, and much as I'm looking forward to start flying in Arizona and all that, I'm mostly looking forward to finish off this course once and for all and be back in Malta for good. It's tough being away from your closest ones! I was really looking forward to go down to Malta in August but, we were not allowed!! That doesn't do any help of course. It only increases the boredom and lowers your moral!! (which at the moment is quite down)
Anyway, I better go and continue reading Piston Engines.
Till next time!!