Hello all
I havn't written anything for quite some time so I have a lot to say but I'll keep it very short. Last week we had 2 days of holidays so I had some time to roam about the place. I visited Aachen in Germany and also went to Mini-Europe in Brussels, next to the famous "Atomium". I have a couple of photos to upload so yes, more photos to be added to the list of "Photos to upload". Ye, I must find some time and put them up.
Anyway, on to more important things! This week, I had a big surprise... a VERY big surprise indeed!! Next week is my birthday, but I wasn't expecting such a great present and in such a way!! My girlfriend called me in the evening and told me to look around the room, because apparently my birthday present from her was here. And how could my birthday present travel all along from Malta to Belgium?! I looked around the room to find a BIG present, the Saitek X-52 Flightstick and Throttle (see pic below). My friends went down to Malta during the weekend and they got it with them. So ye, thanks a lot to you guys for bringing it up here!!
But above all, thanks to you my dear girlfriend for the wonderful present! I really appreciate it, but even more, I appreciate the planned surprise and all the effort behind it!! Thank you qalbi!!! It was a very big surprise. Thank you, thank you thank you!!
I havn't written anything for quite some time so I have a lot to say but I'll keep it very short. Last week we had 2 days of holidays so I had some time to roam about the place. I visited Aachen in Germany and also went to Mini-Europe in Brussels, next to the famous "Atomium". I have a couple of photos to upload so yes, more photos to be added to the list of "Photos to upload". Ye, I must find some time and put them up.
Anyway, on to more important things! This week, I had a big surprise... a VERY big surprise indeed!! Next week is my birthday, but I wasn't expecting such a great present and in such a way!! My girlfriend called me in the evening and told me to look around the room, because apparently my birthday present from her was here. And how could my birthday present travel all along from Malta to Belgium?! I looked around the room to find a BIG present, the Saitek X-52 Flightstick and Throttle (see pic below). My friends went down to Malta during the weekend and they got it with them. So ye, thanks a lot to you guys for bringing it up here!!
But above all, thanks to you my dear girlfriend for the wonderful present! I really appreciate it, but even more, I appreciate the planned surprise and all the effort behind it!! Thank you qalbi!!! It was a very big surprise. Thank you, thank you thank you!!

As regards the course, I had two little progress tests this week; mass & balance and Physiology. All went well. Next week I have the second Radio Navigation test so I'm gonna be quite busy.
Anyway I'm off because it's about time I do some studying. Well had to spend some time trying out my birthday present ey?! :-)
Till later...
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