I haven't written anything here since I had my previous checride before leaving Arizona! Yes, apparently this blog is doomed to being updated only once in a while! Apologies again for the delay! Lots and lots of stuff happened since then. I left Arizona and came back to Belgium. Oh that was a day of mixed emotions. I was happy to move forward and get closer to home, but I new I was going to miss Arizona and my great time there... my instructors, my American friends there, all the good times, and the amazing last week of celebrating and partying... but unfortunately, all good things come to an end, and that had to be one of them. I arrived back in Belgium on the 30th of June (yes... time flies!!) after what seemed a never ending flight. (PS I'm definately not going to miss the "school" as such... well I guess that's easy to realise why!)
Fortunately, I had some free time when I was back in Belgium, so... what does a person who has been seven months away from his home country do? Go back there!! And that's exactly what I did. I went down to Malta the same week. I was so happy so see my parents again at the airport! I also saw my nephew... oh he's growing up so fast, and he is now quite chatty and talks all the time! Oh I had missed him so much and was glad to see him again. I had also missed my family and finally, I was back home. I also met a couple of friends while there and enjoyed some nights out with them too. Thanks peeps for a warm welcome! Unfortunately, that stay was only four days long; a short, but much needed break. The next week, I was back in Belgium.
I started flying again here a week after that. Unfortunately, things did not go as smooth as I wished they would. I found flying here quite different from Arizona and I had to get used to the new airspace, new instructor, and also, new methods of flying in a few hours, which I immeaitely felt they were not enough. But anyway, after some struggles, I managed to get to the day of my checkride, and I'm now very glad to have obtained my licence! The checkride was quite good, and I think it was my best flights from all the flights I did here in Belgium. I remember, back in the airport restaurant in Antwerp, I met one of the school instructors and ater congratulating me for my achievement he said... "You passed your check but it is not over. This is only the beginning. It is over only on the day when you last step down from the aircraft, the day you retire." Wise words I must say, and I'll try to carry that though with me throughout my career.
So having passed that checkride, I now have the required licence to be considered a commercial (instrument multi-engine) pilot. Lots of words and letters, which mean a lot, and nothing at the same time! But I've worked hard for them and I'm glad. And here I would like to thank all the people who have helped me get to this point; my flight instructors, both in Arizona and here in Belgium, who taught me how to fly; all my friends who have supported me throughout the my training; and finally, last but not least, my dear family, especially my parents, who gave me their utmost to help me get here, and who were constantly supportive with all means! Thanks a lot!
This week I started the very final phase of my flight training abroad; the Multi Crew Co-operation course (MCC). Since I'll be flying the Airbus A320, I'm obviously doing it on this aircraft. So far I had some CBT (computer based training) sessions which were quite interesting. Today I started the CRM (crew resource management) course which is also quite interesting. Next week I should have some briefings about the A320 and then starts the fun part; simulator training, and thus the first time I'll be handling a "bigger" aircraft, only in a simulator of course, for now!! The MCC course should be finished by the end of the month so at the beginning of September I should be back to my beloved Malta! I can't wait to be back there, with my friends and family... and looking forward to a great career!!
Anyway, I'm off for today. Tomorrow, it's CRM again!! Take care everyone, and to my friends and family in Malta... see you soon!!
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