Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sim session with a difference!

It's time for a short break (another one from LOTS of "short breaks") from studying Air Law. I have a progress test next Wednesday so I have to prepare for it. Anyway, some news about this week...

The greatest thing which happened this week was a simulator session we had on Wednesday. No it wasn't an FNPT-II simulator session. It was a demo session in the B737NG simulator! And there's one word to describe it... COOL!! It was part of the Instrumentation course and the aim was to see how some stuff in the cockpit is used during a typical flight. The flight was from Brussels to Ostend and then back to Brussels. I was in the First Officer's seat but most of the flight was performed by the autopilot. During the flight we saw stuff like, the Traffic Alert & Collision Avoidance System (TCAS), the Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS), use of the autpilot and different flight modes, as well as different sounds of warnings which you could get in the cockpit, like stall warning, overspeed etc. At Ostend, we did a touch & go with autoland and then we headed back to Brussels. As we approached Brussels, I was told to try and land the plane manually. This was em... cool... but it was the first time with a 737 in hand! But, there's always the first time, and... it was quite good. I always say I can't wait to be flying the real thing! Overall, this was another great experience. Below is a picture after we landed in Brussels. In a few months time, I hope I'll be able to take the same photo with a slight difference; sitting in an A320 and having the 3 stripes on my shoulder and flying for real!

On Thursday I had the 5th. mission of FNPT-II. It was similar to mission 4; precision approaches, but this time I had to do more things by myself. I also performed a blind take-off, with very low visibility. During the mission, I performed the usual air excercises. I also had to fly a bit on the standby compass which is quite difficult. The approach and landing were quite good and I was quite satisfied with my performance. After the mission was over, some time was still left so the instructor told me to take-off again and to expect an engine failure. He told me roughly what has to be done. After taking off, the left engine failed but with some hard struggle on the rudder, I was able to keep the aircraft flying. I didn't land the plane again but it was good to get an idea of what an engine failure feels like.

I think that's just about it for this week. There's not much else to say... oh yes maybe, we have some few days of sunshine here in Belgium!! I would like to know how long it will last!! Eh I miss sunny Malta!!! Now, back to studying Air Law...

Till next time!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Observation flights: A great experience!!


Last weekend I made two observation flights with Thomas Cook. There's one word to describe them: Amazing!! They were great and I look forward to do more observation flights and even more, I look forward to start my career as an airline pilot! Really, this is the best job you could get. I mean, you're given a plane to fly, and you get paid for it! :-)

These two observation flights showed me what it's really like to be an airline pilot and they were also very motivating. My first flight was on Saturday night to Girona. I arrived at the crew room at around 8pm and was given the flightplan, weather information and Notams. The crew had not yet arrived so I had time to go through the papers. Soon after, cabin crew started to arrive and everyone was very friendly. I felt quite at ease immediately. The First Officer of my flight then arrived and we went through the flightplan and papers together. The Captain arrived shortly afterwards. The flight crew was very friendly and they kept telling me to ask any questions I would have which was of course very encouraging. We then took the crew bus, passed through security and then took another bus to the plane. In the cockpit, I watched as the First Officer entered the flightplan into the FMS. Anyway we took off at around 2200 and all I can say is that it was a great experience! I also had the headset on so I listened to all radio communications going on. We flew towards France, over Paris and the Captain told me to take his seat! I was like...."wow... first observation flight and I'm sitting in the Captain's seat!" The First Officer asked me to try and enter the return flight plan into the FMS, which I did with his help of course. Mid-way through the flight it was dinner time. Anyway we started our descent (where I was back in the jump seat of course ;-) ) and soon landed in Girona. The whole flight was WOW and all the crew were really friendly and I got along quite well with them. The turnaround wasn't quite long and after some further preparations we were taxiing again to the runway for our return flight. Back in Brussels, surprisingly enough it was cloudy! But it was cool descending through the clouds, and it were you can really realise how fast you'd be flying! We landed back in Brussels and after the shutdown checks we took the bus back to the crew room. Overall it was one great experience. Below is a picture of the aircraft I flew on (OO-TCI) (thanks and credit to the photographer and

My next flight was to Lourdes on Monday morning so I had to wake up at 3am! I arrived at the crew room and once again was given the flightplan, weather and notams and started to read through them. The crew arrived shortly and once again they were very friendly. I went through the flightplan with them. We then took the crew bus to the security checkpoint and then to the aircraft (OO-TCP). The Captain asked we whether I want to observe the cockpit preparation or perform the walkaround with him. I decided to see the walkaround. Surprisingly enough... it was raining!! Anyway, we took off at about 6am. During the cruise, I really enjoyed talking to the crew and they answered any questions I had. The captain also told me about his training, and I also heard some stories be has been through during flying. The weather at Lourdes was rather cloudy but I could see the Pyrenees mountain tops sticking out of the clouds. Below the clouds, the view was amazing! Anyway, we landed at Lourdes and then started the preparations for the return trip. Turn-around was a bit long, but soon we were on our way back to Brussels. Ater descending through the typical Belgian clouds, we landed in Brussels airport and that was the end of my second observation flight. It was another amazing experience and it was all motivating for me, and ye, I want to fly!!
I would like to thank all the crew of both flights, both flight crew and cabin crew, who made these observation flights as best as they could. I would like to thank the flight crew for showing me what a typical flight would be like and for also answering my questions and sharing their experience with me throughout the flights. Thanks a lot!!
As for the rest, over here things are going well. Today I have a demo sim session in the Boeing 737-800 as part of the instrumentation course. I'm really looking forward to it! I also got my Gas Turbines progress test result and it was ok. Next week I have the second Air Law test so I've got quite a lot to study this week. I still don't know whether I have any FNPT-II sim sessions this week. Anyway, I'm off to start preparing for today's sim session in the 737.
I would also like to wish my girlfriend the best of luck during her stay in Egypt. You're in my mind ;-) and I hope to see you in August!! Miss you!!
Till next time... bye bye

Friday, July 18, 2008

Way to go... Keep it up!!

Finally, after weeks of waiting, the University engineering examination results are finally out and so I would like to tell my girlfriend Ingrid...
You passed with flying colours and did great so now you have a well deserved summer break. Studying was hard and tension was high but you finally have your results, which you greatly deserve. I wish you a successful third year ahead! Keep it up!! ;-) *hugs* miss you!! Glad you're also enjoying your trip in Egypt qalbi!!
As for me here, yesterday I had my fourth mission in the FNPT-II simulator. I did great and was very satisfied with my performance. I also performed my first precision approach. It was quite ok for the first time.
Till next time!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

News from far far away...

Hi all,

So this week was quite busy again. Last Thursday I had my third FNPT-II mission which involved a flight from Rotterdam to Antwerp with some air excercises on the way, like climbs descends, timed turns etc., a touch and go in Antwerp, some traffic patterns and go-arounds, and ending with a full stop landing in Antwerp. I need to improve on my landings however, because I flared too early and too much. Tomorrow I have my fourth mission which also involves a precision approach. I hope I'll do well!! The last mission was in the simulator at HubAir which feels better as far as controls are concerned, but there isn't a 180deg field of view so we can see nothing other than the front view! Tomorrow's mission is planned over there as well. The picture below, that's me after the last mission.This week I also had the Gas Turbines progress test. I don't think I did well but I'll wait for the result. As far as tests are concerned, the next one is Air Law, which is planned on the 30th July I think.

This weekend I'm also having my first observation flight and I'm quite looking forward to it. It will be my first time ever doing a whole flight in the cockpit as well as the pre-flight briefings with the crew. I have a flight Saturday night to Girona and another flight Monday morning to Lourdes. Both flights are with Thomas Cook on the A320.
I also would like to say a big good luck to my girlfriend who is currently abroad in Egypt doing voluntary work! Take care of yourself and hope to see you soon! I miss you loads!! xxx
I think that's just about it for today. I'm now off to start studying and practicing the flows and checklists and other procedures for tomorrow's simulator mission.
Till next time!!
Bye Bye!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A few hours on the rock...

Hey there!

My last post was a week ago and this is because of one great weekend, that is, last weekend! I was in Malta!! The last time I had visited Malta was in April so that was nearly 3 months ago. I really needed to go back down, see my family, my little nephew and my girlfriend Ingrid.

Unfortunately my trip to Malta did not start very well because of... guess what... a delay! Actually not a delay but a DELAY!!!!! I was scheduled to arrive in Malta at 2300 but ended up arriving at 0300 on Saturday morning!! Four hours delay!! I was dead tired when I arrived in Malta. But anyway it was still worth it. I'm really glad I breathed some Maltese air. The weekend was great and I enjoyed every minute of it. Ingrid prepared a couple of little surprises which made the weekend even better! Saturday night, we went to a Wine Bar and I thought we were going to be alone but found some friends waiting there! It was great to meet some friends I hadn't seen for months. Thanks a lot for coming guys and gals! When I get back to Malta for good, I need to make a big reunion with lots of people!

I was also happy to see my cute little nephew again. Having discovered the art of walking, he's now moving all around wherever he goes, always trying to find out and do something naughty heh! I was also happy to see my parents again. Anyway, on the whole it was great and thanks to everyone for making it so, my parents, my sister and husband, my friends, and... my girlfriend Ingrid, for the wonderful surprises and memories. I miss you!!

I will try to go again to Malta in August. I do need to feel the Maltese summer sun and heat!! So, I hope I'll see you all once again in August!! As for the course here, I'm doing well. We had a progress test of Meteorology today, which is why I haven't updated the blog immediately. I did great. Next test is next Wednesday, Gas Turbines. I have quite a lot to prepare for it. Tomorrow I also have my third FNPT-II mission so tonight I have to prepare some flows and checklists again. Below is a picture from last week's sim session. That's after the mission, "parked" in Falcon Field with the airplane shut down after 1 hour 30 minutes of flying!

Anyway... I'm off to start going through some flows and checklists... Till next time!! Miss you all!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Flows & checklists...

Avionics Master Switch .......... OFF
Electrics Master Switch .......... ON
Yep, that is what I've been going through over the past 24 hours; reading through checklists and flows and trying to remember every single detail of which switches I should press and which knobs I should turn! Today I have my second simulator session on the FNPT-II DA42 so I had to prepare myself by studying the checklists and flows. I hope my session goes well. I'm quite looking forward to it but it got quite busy with these sim session eh!

I haven't updated this blog for the past two weeks nearly! I've been quite busy in fact. First of all, I had one weekend to remember! My girlfriend came here and we went a bit around the place. They were two great days and I have to write something about them for sure, in my next post! Then, I had two tests, Airlaw and Instrumentation. I did ok. Next test is today week, Meteorology... which I haven't yet got any clue about it other than it talks about clouds and stuff! So ye, busy as usual!!

Anyway, I'm gonna have to stop here today because I have to start preparing for my sim session!! Till next time... bye bye!